The Alitheia Core metric plug-in interface

package eu.sqooss.service.abstractmetric;
 * This interface defines the common metric plug-in related functionality.
public interface AlitheiaPlugin {
     * Get the metric version. Free form text.
    String getVersion();
     * Get information about the metric author
    String getAuthor();
     * Get the date this version of the metric has been installed
    Date getDateInstalled();
     * Get the metric name
    String getName();
     * Get a free text description of what this metric calculates
    String getDescription();
     * Get an already calculated result without triggering a calculation
     * if the result does not exist yet
    Result getResultIfAlreadyCalculated(DAObject o, List<Metric> l)
        throws MetricMismatchException;
     *  Get a metric result, even it it must be calculated on the fly.
     *  This method blocks until a result (or an error) is returned. 
    Result getResult(DAObject o, List<Metric> l)
        throws MetricMismatchException, AlreadyProcessingException, Exception;
     * Get the description objects for all metrics supported by this plug-in
     * as found in the database.
    List<Metric> getAllSupportedMetrics();
     * Get all metrics that are bound to the provided activation type. 
    List<Metric> getSupportedMetrics(Class<? extends DAObject> activationType);
     * Generic "run plug-in" method. This method performs a measurement for
     * the given DAO, if supported. 
    void run(DAObject o) throws MetricMismatchException, 
        AlreadyProcessingException, Exception;
     * After installing a new version of the metric, try to
     * update the results. The metric may opt to partially
     * or fully update its results tables or files.
    boolean update();
     * Perform maintenance operations when installing a new
     * version of the metric
    boolean install();
     * Free the used resources and clean up on metric removal
    boolean remove();
     * Just clean results on project removal
    boolean cleanup(DAObject sp);
     * Return a string that is unique for this plugin, used for indexing this
     * plugin in the system database
    String getUniqueKey();
     * Get the types supported by this plug-in for data processing and result
     * retrieval. 
    List<Class<? extends DAObject>> getActivationTypes();
     * Get the activation type that corresponds to the activation type which 
     * the metric result is stored. 
    Class<? extends DAObject> getMetricActivationType(Metric m);
     * Retrieves the list of configuration properties for this plug-in.
    Set<PluginConfiguration> getConfigurationSchema();
     * Metric mnemonics for the metrics required to be present for this 
     * plugin to operate. 
    List<String> getDependencies();

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